Our men have all arrived from the Labrador; the last of them came by the s.s. Sagona. Whereas some of them have done fairly well, others haven’t done much, this with a smaller price than previous years, coupled with the increased prices of foodstuffs and the scarcity of labour, many will find it difficult to tide themselves over the winter months.

On behalf of the Parish of Spaniard’s Bay, we take the opportunity (although late) of congratulating our Rector Rev. J. S. Adams on his success in satisfying the examiners of
the London University and thereby gaining the degree of B.D.

The public building is now completed and we hear that within a few days it will be opened.

We feel keenly for Mr. Simeon Sheppard, who on Nov. 5th had his dwelling house and shop entirely destroyed by fire. He carried no insur ance whatever on the property.

On the 11th inst., the Ladies if the Patriotic Association held a hot supper followed by a short entertainment, when the grand amount of $132 was realized. Much credit is due to
the ladies for bringing it to such a successful issue.

On Saturday, 14th inst., we were very much pleased with a visit from Lady Davidson, who addressed the ladies of the Patriotic Association in the Parish Hall, and by her noble and patriotic address not only endeared herself to those of her hearers, but
encouraged them to continue the noble work which they had been doing.

We were very sorry His Excellency the Governor could not pay us a visit owing to his time being limited, but many of the men drove to Bay Roberts and had the pleasure of listening to his patriotic and instructive address and also the privilege of shak-
ing hands with him.

The following young men from Spaniard’s Bay are now doing active service for King and Country: James Jewer, Stanley Hutchings, James Gosse, John Hutchings, Edward Neil, Herbert Drover and Levi Chipman.

Nov 18 1914

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