Conception Bay Schools

We have to acknowledge, with thanks, from the Rev. W. Pilot, B.A., the Report of the Public Schools of Newfoundland, under Church of England Boards, for the year ended 31st De- cember, 1887. We extract there from the following with reference to the schools in the districts of Bay Roberts and Spaniards Bay –


It gives me pleasure again to state that, as rule, the Schools in this District are among the best under my superintendence. The School property, with the exception of the Schoolroom at Spaniard’s Bay Big Pond, is most eligible ar in excellent condition, but I regret to add that the Board is embarrassed by a heavy debt contracted in their construction.
Coley’s Point-Eighty children here passed excellent examination. The first class read well and intelligently; worked difficult sums in arithmetic, had made a good start in algebra, and worked on the blackboard three or four problems of Euclid. This is almost the only School where children have been presented for examination in this last named subject. In other subjects, as geography and grammar, much intelli- gence was shown. Two members of the Board were present during the examination, and prizes which had been then competed for were distributed to the successful competitors. On a subsequent day I examined Mr. Barnes, the Teacher, for his First Grade. The Board of Examiners have not yet pronounced upon his papers.

Bay Roberts, West. The Teacher, Mr. Kent, from whom I was led to expect substantial results, suddenly left the School about two months before the examination. His place had been supplied by a worthy and intelligent successor, who had just begun work at the time of my visit. I saw the ground work laid for a prosperous School, and subsequent reports have confirmed my opinion in this particular.

Bay Roberts, Central- A capital School with an enthusiastic Master. The children were under excellent discipline and acquitted themselves much to my liking in all subjects from the low- est to the first class Mensuration had been taught to about twelve pupils, who found readily the area of figures of various forms and dimensions. Mr Bancroft has also successfully con- ducted a class in navigation. Three of his pupils were found competent last year to become Masters of Bankers, and others of Labrador craft. I strongly recommend that some remuneration be made him to encourage a study fraught with Increasing importance to the community.

French’s Cove-Present 21 out of 23 on the register. The winter attendance is about sixty; children had not returned from School after their arrival from Labrador at the time of my Visit. Some good points observable, but the work was unequal in the several small classes.

Spaniards Bay Pond-Present 47 out of 53 registered. Much punctuality in attendance; progress fair since my former visit; local pronunciation very prevalent. Teacher attentive.

Country Path-A fair School both in numbers and attainments. Teacher since left to take School in District of Carbonear


Spaniards Bay.-Present 30 out of 46 registered. Matters were much improved since my last report. The School-room has been furuish- ed with back board, maps and desks, and a few other necessary apparatus; and the children, the boys particularly, were under better discipline. In School work the results were but fair in reading. spelling and arithmetic. The writing was better, while only a beginning had been made in geography and English grammar.

Bishop’s Cove-A C.C C. School, under an attentive and painstaking Teacher. The tone of the twenty-five children pleased me much, as well in their seemly behaviour as in usual studies. The School premises were partially destroyed by fire in the early part of the year, and as repairs had not been effected, they had a very depressing appearance. I trust that arrangements now under consideration may result in a new School being erected in a more eligible and convenient situation.

Tilton.–Matters had much improved here. I was more pleased with my last than with any previous visit. Thirty-four present, out of 48 on the register. did fairly well in all subjects. The room is too small for the increasing import- ance of the place, and being used for Divine Service, is crowded with seats not required for purposes of the School. The premises require repairs.

New Harbor Road-This School, lately erected, supplies a long-felt need for this locality It is healthily and conveniently situated, and only requires some necessary furniture to make the work of teaching and learning pleasant and enticing The day of my visit was a very wet one, and only twenty five out of sixty-eight registered were in School; but I saw enough of the Teacher’s five months’ work upon these to as sure me that neither had been idle or inattentive, and that there is prospect of much good to the children of this formerly neglected locality.

The Bishop Cove School is not in the community of Bishop’s Cove, that school would be in the District of Upper Island Cove, the school was located on Bishop’s Cove Shore Road, colloquially known as Shore Road.

It is always interesting to read old school reports, one gets an idea of how hard it was to deliver an education to chidren who as in a previous post had to go to the Labrador to help fish, who had to look after younger siblings, who had to cease attending school in the spring to plant vegetables and in the fall to get them out of the ground. Then one has to consider the condition of the buildings, the quality of the teacher and more. An earlier post references children walking barefoot in the snow to attend snow, would these children, over fifty years later endure those hardships to learn.

The District of Bay Roberts was left in this post as a compare and contrast between the two communities and their schools.

NLTA Creation

A School Teachers’ Association. SUCCESSFUL MEETING
At Spaniard’s Bay on Saturday
Eloquent Speeches.
Editor “Evening Telegram.”

DEAR SIR,-The meeting of teachers, of which notice was given last week, came off with great eclat, on Saturday last, at Spaniard’s Bay, in the room of the Church of England School, presided over by Mr. B. B. Squires. The day was a fine one, and everything looked well for a good meeting, as anticipated. However, a fair number put in an appearance, and at 12.30 p.m., Mr. J. F. Bancroft took the chair, and in his usual and eloquent style, addressed the assembly on many things appertaining to the profession-immediately followed by Mr. Robinson, of the Carbonear Grammar School, who,
In a Lucid and Able Manner, (much to the delight of the teachers present) set forth his views on the matter.

It was here proposed and seconded, right away, that “A Newfoundland Teachers’ Association” be formed, which proposition, being put by the chairman, was carried unanimously. Mr. James Munn, of the Harbor Grace Academy, now took up the strain, and things took a very lively turn for more than an hour. Many teachers came to their legs, and gave vent to feelings that had been pent up for years, conspicuous among whom, was Mr. John Martin, of Upper Island Cove, who made many very sensible remarks, expounding his views in a right royal way.

A Message Received.

At this juncture a message was received by the Chairman from Rev. W. Pilot, B.D., Superintendent of Church of England Schools, which contained the following:- “Please convey to Teachers’ meeting, Spaniard’s Bay, my heartiest wishes for success of their efforts.” I can assure Mr. Pilot that we were very much pleased to receive the above expression of his good will for the cause, and hope that, ere long, the other two Superintendents will fall in line. It was now proposed by Mr. Robinson, and seconded by Mr. Munn, that Mr. Bancroft be re-elected “President of the Association,” pro tem., which motion, being put, was carried unanimously.

The Corresponding Secretary. Mr. R. Dawe, teacher of the R. C. School, Bay Roberts, was again re-elected secretary pro tem., to whom all communications should be made respecting the “Association,” and who will answer any questions in respect thereto.

The Next Meeting.

The next meeting is to be held, D.V., on Wednesday, January 7th, 1891, at Spaniard’s Bay, to commence at noon, sharp. The subjects of discussion are: “Increased Denominational Grant”-which means an increased salary; also an Insurance Scheme, to provide for incapacitated teachers who from age, sickness or infirmity are incapable of providing the wherewithal to exist. Other business of importance to the profession will be ventilated, and a deputa- tion will be appointed to proceed to St. John’s, and there, before the members of the House of Assembly, explain to the best of their ability the pros and cons of the grievances to which teachers are subjected.

Not a Religious Matter.

This is not a religious matter, and should not be made sectarian, so that all teachers (to whatever denomination belonging) are cordially invited to attend and enroll their names on the lists of the Association.

A Request to the Editors. And I would here state that we shall be glad if the editors of the daily papers will be kind enough to keep the name of the Association out of politics; we shall thank those papers for ventilating our grievances, but request that they kindly refrain from dragging the subject into a political channel. Hoping that I have not trespassed too far, I hereby subscribe myself,

Yours, &c., NIL DESPERANDUM. District of Harbor Grace, Nov. 24, 1890.

TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION. Meeting at Spaniard’s Bay. OFFICERS ELECTED, And Important Matters Discussed.
Twenty-Two Present.

DEAR SIR,-On Wednesday, the 7th inst., notwithstanding the very disagreeable state of the weather during the previous night and following morning, a goodly number of teachers, male and female-twenty-two in all-responded to the call of the “Teachers’ Association,” and assembled at the Central Schoolroom, Spaniard’s Bay.

Address by the President. The meeting was opened at noon with a short address from the President pro tem., and business was proceeded with. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Reports of committees were then called for, whereupon Mr. J. A. Robinson laid before the meeting a draft of the Constitution of the Association which, upon being carefully considered, was adopted article by article.

Officers for Ensuing Six Months.

The officers for the ensuing six months were elected by ballot without nomination, viz.: Mr. Bancroft, President, re-elected; Mr. Robinson, Vice-President, elected; Mr. R. Dawe, Secretary, re-elected; Mr. E. H. Williams, Treasurer, elected. Committees were appointed, of which Messrs. Robinson, Munn, and Moulton formed one; and Messrs. Eli Martin, J. Munn, and Miss Emma Martin, another.

Branch Associations.

Mr. Munn then suggested that Branch Associations might be formed in different parts of the country at the request of five teachers of the Association, co-operating with the main body. This suggestion, on motion, was adopted and embodied in the Constitution.

Petition to the Legislature. A committee was authorized to draw up a petition, to be presented at the next Session of the Legislature, embodying two resolutions, which were unanimously carried by the meeting.

The first defining the minimum salaries to be paid to males and females, and the second a State-aided insurance scheme for the benefit of teachers. Relief of Teachers in Distress. Several matters of importance were debated upon whilst considering the Constitution; the first being, that 20 per cent. of the funds of the Association be laid aside for the relief of teachers in distress or otherwise incapacitated.

Second, any certificated teacher in any part of the Island may become a member of the aforesaid As- sociation, by corresponding with the Secretary and remitting fifty cents as initiation fee for enrolment.

Third, any person, who may have the cause of the Education of This Colony at heart, may be entitled to become an honorary member of the Association by the payment of two dollars. Such honorary member, aforesaid, shall be entitled to assemble with the other members at all meetings, and shall have the same privilege of voice, but no vote, on any occasion.

And fourth, any one desirous of becoming an honorary Vice-President of the Association may do so on the payment of four dollars. Names Recorded and a Sumptuous Dinner.
Twenty-one teachers then had their names recorded, and after partaking of a sumptuous dinner, which was prepared through the committee by Mr. W. T. Cleary at his house, each returned to his or her destination.

Sanguine of Good Results.

I may be permitted to say that the teachers who were present are resolved, if possible, to carry into effect the several matters which were passed at the meeting, and, by hearty and earnest co-operation of all the teachers and others who may interest them- selves in the very important cause of education, they are sanguine of good results. Thanking you for space, I am, dear Sir, Yours truly,
Carbonear, Jan. 9, 1891.

THE TEACHERS’ AGITATION. Letter from Spaniard’s Bay.
Neither Edifying Nor Creditable.
Editor “Evening Telegram.”

DEAR SIR,-I notice a letter in the Evening Herald of the 16th instant, from Spaniard’s Bay, over the caption of “A. B. C.,” which is neither edifying to the public nor creditable to the teacher who penned it. And, mark you, this vociferous letter was written simply because the Gov- ernment had refused an absurd request made by the Teachers’ Union of the districts of Harbor Grace and Carbonear, for an increase in the Educational Grant of $80,000- making the whole grant $205,000. Now, I ask you, fishermen, and others, if you could have believed that such a ridiculous request would be made by any persons possessing common sense, much less our teachers, who claim to have a certain amount of Intelligence Among Them.

I am confident that they never anticipated that the Government would grant such a monstrous request, when so many of the bone and sinew of the country are in a state of semi-starvation, and who would have to be further taxed for the purpose of increas- ing teachers’ salaries. Are not the teachers as well provided for at the present time, or better, than formerly, whilst many fishermen and others, who have seen better days than those clamorous for increase of salaries, are compelled to live on from $40 to $80 yearly? And, in the face of these facts, the teachers have the presumption to ask for an increase of grant. If their salaries are too low, I would recommend them to quit teaching and begin at some more profitable work, as there is no lack of teachers; but I am afraid many of those who complain would be some time looking before they would better their state, as they are not capable of filling positions Of Responsibility.

Are you not surprised that the teachers did not ask for the whole revenue? Surely, they might assume the right to one as the other; furthermore, those teachers claim the right to increase of salaries and prominent situations for canvassing. The right they arrogate to themselves for such services is unjust; admitting they did canvass, they enjoyed a few holidays, and were paid for their time by their respective Boards, whilst the children of the fishermen and others, who returned the Government by their votes, were roving about the streets. The abusive remarks of “A. B. C.,” in remembers fighting for their own aggrandizement, comes with very bad grace from teachers, as they were, one and all, apparently, canvassing for increase of Salaries and Situations.

But the greatest absurdity of all is their threatening what they will do. Now, we know that one of their No. 1 men at Carbonear did his best for the ex-member, and, I presume, some No. 2 and 3 men did the same; and what did their canvass amount to? Nothing! As a rule, school teachers are unpopular in the districts they reside inconsequently, they have but little influence. I am very apprehensive that the Teachers’ Union will work more harm than good. Unions, as a rule, are generally managed by men who have plenty of talk, but no ballast. Hence, they accomplish no good. D. E. F. Spaniard’s Bay, March 18, 1891.
Yours truly,

Since it is getting closer to the end of the school year, a nice little post on the formation of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association. There is a monument to this near the site of the aforementioned school house on Church Hill in Spaniard’s Bay for those readers not familiar with the area, if you have ever seen a picture of Holy Redeemer Church, it’s almost right along side of it.

Unions were very necessary in the 19th century, they forced employers to give better wages, safer work environments, ended child labour, created work weeks and more.

As the last letter in this post demonstrates a favorite pastime of certain people, complaining. The letter does have valid points, because of bank failures hunger was at many doorsteps, the brunt of increasing pay for teachers would be borne by the fishermen who’s livelihood depended on the capriciousness of mother nature.

Bancroft, an English man, was from Chester a union stronghold in England, realized the desperate situation of teaching conditions in Newfoundland and sought to create a union that was protective of its membership.

They sought to have a minimum wage of $300 per male teacher, $240 for female teachers with a pension plan, this much to the consternation of the letter writer was approved by government, insurance for teachers would not be approved until 1964.

Because of these meetings the teaching profession has come a long way since they had to worry about termination from typhus or from diptheria, colleagues that traveled from town to town, losing students to dig potatoes, look after siblings or go to the Labrador. Having parents take children from school for family activities and then complain when schools are closed.

Some things never change.

A New School

MONDAY, February 10 1862

The house met at three o’clock.

Mr. Hayward presented a petition from the Rev’ds Bertram Jones, Julian Moreton, and others, which was received and read, setting forth that in the important settlement of Spaniard’s Bay, the Colonial Church and School Society has maintained a School for a long course of years, to the great and manifest benefit of the settlement and that the school is still continued in useful operation, and numbers at the present time 150 pupils; that the school buildings, rected more than 32 years since, are now in a state of great dilapidation, and in immediate need of renewal or extensive repair, and particularly that the school room is so small and confined as to be very hurtful to the health of the teacher and pupils, and a hindrance to the proper discipline and conduct of the school; that the teacher’s dwelling is in close connection with the school-room, being under the same roof, and pervaded by its impure air, to the detriment of his health and that of his family; that it is proposed to build a separate dwelling for the teacher, and to comprise the whole of the existing building in the school-room, in aid of which a grant has been obtained from the School Society; that from the known poverty of the people of the settlement, but little aid can be expected from them; and praying for a grant towards defraying the expense of such an erection.

The first school in Spaniard’s Bay was constructed in 1830/1831. A simple little school house with an attached residence for the teacher and his family. This school was also used as a church until 1842. Its location was on School House Hill, presently Church Hill, one hundred and forty years of educating young minds took place on that hill.

The first school had grossly outlived its usefulness, decades of storms battering it in its height. Years of use and various epidemics had made it unsafe to use.

It would be replaced during this decade under the leadership of Rev Julian Moreton, a native of Greenspond. He was only in Spaniard’s Bay a short period of time but reinvigorated the complacency that had crept into the mindset of the inhabitants.

Early Education in Spaniard’s Bay

Public education in Newfoundland since the early 19th century, has been shaped by two factors: religion and the economy.

The economy was based on a single industry, the fishery; the Protestant and Catholic churches, from 1843 onwards, dominated the educational system.

The Newfoundland School Society was established in June 1823. Some of the rules and regulations created by the N.S.S. were that the Schools must be managed by Masters and Mistresses of the United Church of England and Ireland and conducted on Dr. Bell’s system. They believed that through their schools “we shall discharge the claims of kindred and of philanthropy, and most effectually teach them to understand and rightly appreciate their connection with, and interest in the moral, as well as national greatness of their Mother Country”. The N.S.S. wanted to make the poor intelligent, grow into happy and useful people, intend that all the children of the schools should receive instruction in the Holy scriptures, one or more days/week instructed in the church catechism, and the attendance of the children be at the parents discretion.

The first N.S.S. school opened in St John’s in September 1824 with an enrolment of 75. Just two years later a larger building was needed to accommodate the 450 students; there was a staff of three teachers and a female monitor. The children were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, sewing, knitting and net-making. By 1829 there were 8 principal schools, located in the larger settlements, ran by society teachers, recruited and trained in England; and there were 15 branch schools in smaller communities. A year later in 1830, the Society operated 28 day schools with 1513 children around the Island, along with 18 Sunday schools and 10 adult evening schools for religious instruction. By 1836, its 46 schools were located as far north as Twillingate, along the south coast, and up the west shore to St. George’s Bay.

Schools in Newfoundland, especially in outport settlements, faced many problems and obstacles. The success of the schools was influenced by the conditions within the settlement, and these conditions often affected student attendance, payments, learning, and so forth. For example, conditions which affected the population were such things as illnesses (or epidemics) such as the flu, fever, whooping cough, smallpox, measles, etc. The weather also posed problems, severe snowstorms in the winter months often closed schools for days; and if the weather was too cold, children could not make it to school or could not keep the school in fuel for heat. The fishery affected the school and its attendance greatly. During the fishing season, children were often needed to help out in the fishery and could not attend school. Also, in smaller settlements, the teacher was allowed to attend the fishery in order to supplement their low teaching salaries; therefore, closing the school during that season. A failure in the fishery also had severe consequences as parents could not pay subscriptions to the school. Poverty also led to a lack of clothes and shoes which meant children could not be sent to school. The N.S.S., unlike other schools, tried their best to counter these obstacles. For example, the N.S.S. would send shipments of clothes and shoes from England to Newfoundland to give to poverty-stricken families so their children could continue to attend school.

N.S.S. schools were very successful and encountered very high enrolment numbers. They were able to educate so many children because they adopted the Dr. Bell System of teaching. This system originated in Madras, India in 1787, and it allowed older pupils to teach the younger children the lessons they had already mastered; this was very efficient as more children could be taught by one teacher. The Dr. Bell System provided tangible evidence that children were benefiting from this education as they were able to teach other children the lessons they had learned. Therefore, parents were much more interested in supporting and sending their children to these schools because of the quality of the education. The high student enrolment proved that the N.S.S. enjoyed much success in its short existence on the island.

Spaniard’s Bay school became an independent branch institution in 1829 with the erection of its first institution with an accompanying family dwelling for the teacher. Prior to this time, students would travel from Spaniard’s Bay to Harbour Grace for instruction.

For a small outport community in the early 19th Century building a church or a school would be quite the undertaking. Newfoundland has a limited opening for construction, when weather permits construction most of the men would be engaged in the inshore fishery, this left women and children to bear most of the assistance in ensuring it could be done. “…women and children gather rocks and materials for building the chimney, while others served masons with bricks and mortar.”

The first teacher in Spaniard’s Bay was Joseph Griffin who in 1831 gave a very pleasing account of the eagerness and of course, willingness of the children of the community to benefit and improve themselves through obtaining an education.

The children of the community are quite eager to learn. This is exemplified by them walking at least half a mile for instruction through heavy falls of snow, some of the children do this without the benefit of shoes or stockings. They will even attend the Evening school as well as the day school to learn.

Griffin writes “…it would please our friends to see our schoolroom filled on the Sabbath they flock in like bees into a hive before a storm…” By 1832 the day school had 50 children, the evening school 36 and the Sunday School 98.

Throughout the next few years the attendance at the school had been good, particularly with the Sunday School. Most importantly the quality of the students their ability to learn has been improving.

By 1833 there was some disappointment with the daily school not being of the same number as the Sunday School, quite simply because the children do not possess shoes and stockings and the weather has been rather severe.

At this point in the community on Sundays the schoolroom is more often than not filled to capacity due to the attendance of the children and their parents. Mr. Griffin has on many times been forced to ask the parents to return later. Their simply reply is that “…that they want to hear the Word of God…” They have had no teacher but him and they are unable to read themselves. They hope to be allowed to remain and listen to what he will be teaching the children.

The construction of the schoolroom has created some interesting side effects. There is a growing desire to have continuing instruction, not just for the children but adults as well. Griffin believes that a decided improvement has occurred in the bay. He has also found that there is a much greater observation of the Lord’s Day. He notes in his school reports that he is the sole provider of religious instruction.

Mr. Willoughby, one of the school’s superintendents spent part of a Sunday in Spaniard’s Bay with Mr. Griffin and became quite satisfied with the order of his school and his manner of conduction services with the adults. Since there is no separate church edifice, no missionary to this area, it is recommended that Mr. Griffin continue to do what he has been doing; reading the church liturgy and printed sermons. Compared to the larger, more populous areas the attendance is small, but the teacher is of a missionary character which makes the post in Spaniard’s Bay as important as any other occupied by the society.

Even the poorest members of Spaniard’s Bay contribute to the School Society some give half or even a full quintal of fish(half quintal is 56lbs, full quintal is 112lbs). Most importantly, they keep the schoolroom supplied with firewood.

February 24th, 1833 the schoolroom was nearly destroyed by fire. Mr. Griffin had been awoken by the smell of smoke and discovered that the schoolroom stove had ignited the floor and could not put it out due to lack of water. He gave an alarm, received assistance and the fire was extinguished by use of snow being shovelled on it. The floorboards and joists were burned black but nothing that could not be repaired.

The teacher’s salary at this point was £40, 14 shillings which is about $8200 CAD in 2018.

The school children receive fairly regular donations of shoes and clothing from England, in particular Islington, which enable them to attend more regularly, which creates an interest by the parents and adult relatives to attend which results in a noticeably increasing attention to religion and a change of conduct in many individuals.

The school through various donations now has a lending library, books and tracts are regularly dispensed especially to those going on a sealing voyage. The thriving state of the school is such that it now possesses a select number of former scholars and teachers who now provide assistance to Mr. Griffin.

By the late 1830’s the schoolroom has been serving a dual purpose, teaching and a church building, conditions are now such that the people of Spaniard’s Bay are planning to commence with the construction of a church. By the community’s recollection in the last ten years they may have seen a minister twenty times. Bishop Spencer has visited a few times and found the school and schoolmaster very satisfactory. The Spencer was much pleased with the students writing and ciphering(mathematics) and with the girls needlework. His donation of a sovereign($175CAD in 2018) was used to purchase bibles.

The early 1840’s saw an influenza epidemic strike the community, Mrs. Griffin was confined to her bed for a period time, the numbers of children attending school dropped, school was closed for a season.

On June 5th, 1842 Bishop Aubrey Spencer consecrated the Church of the Holy Trinity, the successor to the school room that the community used for so many years. On the same day the teacher, Joseph Griffin was ordained and installed as the first rector of the mission. He did not abandon his teaching duties. In 1846 he left Spaniard’s Bay and by 1851 arrived in Lakefield Quebec. Rev Griffin was the driving force behind the erection of there and in neighbouring Shrewsbury. His ambition and dedication to education led to the first school in Lakefield and four more in Gore Quebec, all by 1858. Rev Griffin died in St. Andrew’s Quebec and is buried in Lakefield Cemetery.